One of my colleagues in third grade is getting a new student on Monday (it is actually stunning that she knows this far in advance. I like when they knock on your door at 7:49 and introduce you to the new student for the first time as the 7:50 bell rings.) Anyway, she mentions she is getting this new kid and wants to know if a certain fourth grader knows him as well. The fourth grader pipes up and says "Yeah! I know him! And I know why his mom Tasered him, too!"
She is really looking forward to Monday.
Hee. Nice update. :-) And I just have to add - it's not just 3rd graders that maybe deserve a little taser-ing. I almost lost it on a freakin' grad student in my class this morning. For real, people? You're in grad school and you *still* refuse to try to think for yourself?? *sigh*